"Been very happy with this bag. I have used it in all conditions and been very happy with the rating.
A couple of features that I like over most sleeping bags is that it has a foot vent at the bottom of the bag.
It also is a half zip to reduce weight. 2 lbs. 3 oz.
It also has a wider girth than most bags which I like because it doesn't make me feel crammed into a bag."
"This is a good bag, you can't beat its pack-ability. They say it will pack to the size of a two liter soda bottle...i haven't seen that yet but its close. Nice and warm and reliant, I've gotten a lot of use so far and it feels pretty new still."
"The Kelty Light Year is an excellent bag for the price. It compresses well, as a quality down bag should. The bag works well the "go light" philosophy. It has a half zipper to save those few precious ounces. I enjoy the zippered opening at the foot of the bag, it allows some air-flow on sticky nights. I do not find much to question about this bag. It has proven to be constructed well, and has a very cozy loft. At this time, I consider it my backpacking bag of choice. I would reccomend it to anyone who wants to pack small and light, while maintaining some durability in their gear....and keep to their budget."
"High quality construction, very compact and light -- although my regular size weighed 2 lbs. 3 oz. -- or slightly more than the advertised 2 lbs.
My only complaint is that I find the temp. rating to be overly optimistic. With long johns on (top and bottom), I still felt a little bit cold in the low 30's. While I slept OK, I figure it would be worse at 25F -- the stated rating."
"This bag is unusable except on warm nights. It is rated for 25 degrees, but I have been cold at 40 degrees. It is easy to see why. The baffles have very little down, and the down has a very low loft. At the edges of the baffles, there is no down, just 2 layers of nylon, then the down rises to less than one inch in the center of the baffle, then tapers off to nothing at the other edge.
The size is roomy, and it packs small, but it is a mid summer bag only."