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Kelty Clear Creek Review

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Erik, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I have a regular length bag and it is rated to 20F degrees. I like the fact that it is roomier than a typical mummy bag and also the inside has more of a cotton feel that nylon. It has always kept me warm and I have used it when it has gotten down to 20F. It is a good 3 season bag for a beginner to intermediate backpacker. It is a little heavy, but it is very well priced for the quality."


mitch allan, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I purchased this bag as an introductory bag a few years back and liked the interior feel of the bag and the extra room. If camping is something you do rarely and only in nice weather it is possible this bag may work for you.

Keep in mind that most folks that have used kelty bags in the high country (and the folks at REI and the like that see them returned regularly), Kelty almost wholly fabricates the temperature ratings of their bags. I am a warm sleeper and I spent a night close to hypothermia in this bag (and it was well above freezing!) I seriously considered hiking out at night (and yes, I was wearing a stocking cap and additional insulation). The next day I overcame my Scottish nature and bought a down bag.

Kelty products are for dabblers in the outdoors. If you want to have faith in your equipment, spend a little extra and get something from a reputable manufacterer."


Sonya, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"This was my first sleeping bag and I've been using it 5 years (100+ nights) with no broken zippers or holes. The reason I bought this bag was because of the cotton jersey feel on the inside which is very cozy. This bag is ideal for average temperatures in the 40 to 70 degree range. Anything warmer you will sweat to death, anything colder you freeze. We have been doing a lot of winter camping this year and after several sleepless nights I will be investing in a better winter bag.

Also, a note on sizing- I am 5'3" and find the bag to be a comfortable fit. My husband who is 5'9", also owns this bag and promptly kicked out the bottom of the bag. I'd say if you are over 5'6" get the long size.

Overall, this bag is perfect for the fair weather camper and can't be beat for the price, comfort, and quality."


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