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Coleman Peak 1 Extreme Stove Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Coleman Peak 1 Extreme Stove.


Kevin, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"This is a stove similar to the Peak One expert. The Extreme however burns a little hotter (14,000 btu instead of 12,000) it therefore boils water a little faster. One thing that I have found helpful is a small insulating pad to place the fuel cartridge on in cold weather. Also as Tom suggested with the Expert a windscreen is also helpful at conserving fuel.
The Extreme uses a 10.6 oz fuel cartridge- butane and propane mix. One cartridge last for about 60mins. However I have yet to get one to last that long, usually I get about 55-58 mins out of them. The flame control is a breeze to use, and easy even in gloved hands. One major thing is its weight, only 11 oz. Compared to the Expert stove I could carry an extra 3 oz of much needed gorp."


Jim Sproul, Dallas, Texas, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Very good stove. Hot, quiet and fast. Being able to open and crush empty cylinders made packing out the trash much easier than with steel cylinders(see "green key")."


Mike, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I've just started hiking and the guy who introduced me to it carried A Coleman Exponent stove. I had borrowed another stove to use. His stove outperformed the stove I had borrowed so much that we quit using mine after the third meal. I bought the peak one for myself and absolutely love. No priming - no problems. Just connect the bottle, turn on the gas and light the burner. My stove even operated well in 15 degree weather. I haven't needed a wind screen for it but can see where it would be needed and plan on purchasing one in the near future."


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