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Coleman Expedition Xpert Stove Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Coleman Expedition Xpert Stove.


Ryan, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I went backpacking in the rockies a few years ago just outside Grand Lake Colorado. At camp it started raining as we were finishing making our gourmet ramen noodles. Anyway it rained buckets upon buckets of rain, along with lots of lightning and thunder. I though we were going to be washed down the mountain. And we forgot to put the stove away so it had the privilage of sitting out in all this rain. The night before it worked great and the that morning it worked just as well, even after sitting in all that rain. And to boot, stove and pot stability were excellent. Stove was also pretty light. A very reliable stove for about $50. Would highly recommend investing in it."


Bill, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"This stove uses the Powermax fuel cartridge, it is light weight, compact, boils 1 liter of water in 3-1/2 min., no priming required, fully adjustable flame, works well in extreme cold (used it in 0 degree weather) and the fuel cartridge is eaisily attatched to the stove. I have used it at least 1 dozen times in the dead of winter and have no complaints at this time."


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