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Asolo Globaline Review

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Will, 11/8/07 User Rating: 
"I purchased the Gore-Tex Globalines boots back in the summer of '97 I believe. After about 2 weeks on the Appalachian, the rubber was separating from the boot around the toes. I promptly returned them to the store for a replacement. The second pair fared much better, and lasted me until a few days ago, 10 1/2 years after the purchase, when they started falling apart. I'm not sure why, maybe because of large temperature variations, but the rubber has become brittle and is literally crumbling off of the boots, leaving trails of rubber pellets everywhere I go.

I will say that after they got used to my feet, they were amazingly comfortable and very lightweight. Wish they were still alive though."


Rich, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"I had both the Meridian (not Goretex) and the Parallel (with Goretex). Very comfortable but the both came apart. Withing the first 5 weks, the Meridian starting coming apart. The high rubber sole came unglued from the fabric. The Parallel did the same thing after only 30 miles. Totalyu unsat for a $198.00 pair of boots. On a positive note, I had no problems getting refunds for these boots."


Jodster, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"On a recent trip to Denali NP a friend wore his Globalines that he had purchased 6 months prior to the trip. The plastic promptly came apart after a few rough days of hiking. He was not pleased. They were the Goretex model and they also leaked. I made fun of him as I wallowed in the comfort of my Vasque Alpines....:)"


Mike Lachance, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"On a contrary note: Ive climbed Rainier with my 1998 Globalines along with several other 12'000ft+ mountains. Never had a problem, never had sore spots blisters or pressure points. Moreover, my cousins Vasques were wreaking havoc on his feet and ruining his hike. Just goes to show, boots react differently with different people."


DonF, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I have owned several dozen pairs of boots over the years. I have one favorite; my Asolo Globaline's. I find it hard to believe the other posts. I have put over 1000 rough miles on these boots without 1 complaint. Most comfortable and lasting boot out of the 5 pairs I currently own. My Salomons are falling apart, Vasque's not comfortable, Asolo AFX530's not rugged enough. When my globalines wear out, it will be a sad day. Just 1 man's opinion. - DonF"


Mike Lachance, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Globalines are worthy of high praise. My 1999 Globalines have summited 12,000ers EASILY and withstood (2) Rainier expeditions. Comfortable, strong, warm, and durable, where the vasques are painful, the Asolos are luxurious. They work, and they show no signs of falling apart, even after 4 years of use."


JC, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I was a loyal Vasque wearer for 10 years and thousands of miles and many summits. Found my Globalines on a clearance table for $39.95! The most incredible boots I have ever worn, great in all weather, with crampons, etc. I will cry when they finally give up (which they show no signs of doing)"


Charles Pitman, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I purchased my Globalines in 1996 for a lengthy trip to Peru. I wanted a boot that would not give me the blisters that so plagued me with my Vasque boots. What a dream! Almost no break-in and they were incredible. Untold miles and 9 years later, they are finally coming apart at the interface of the leather and rubber. A sad day indeed yesterday, on a day hike from Vail to Frisco (CO) when I noticed the separation. They will be missed."


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