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Primus Yellowstone Lite Review

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Marcus, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"This is a good stove. It's very light and has a good flame. I also like the built in wind deflector. It screws directly on to Primus fuel canisters. At around $30 it's a good deal too."


Cosmic, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"I've had very good luck with this unit, the wind screen is a great feature. The aluminum base gets pretty hot, but no problems of any kind with that. At 7oz's, it's not a super-light stove, but it is reliable as sunset, and simmering is a strong plus. I'd buy another, for sure."


Kevin -- Scoutmaster, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"This is a good easy to pack stove. It works very well at 7000 feet, boiled a liter of water in 3.5 minutes, outside temp was 20 degrees. Its only draw back is compressed gas. I highly recommend it."


JIm Meerpohl, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I have used this stove as a primary and as a backup. The stove is light, packs well, is durable and fires up effectively. As with any screw on stove you must be careful of the pot size, balance of contents and provide a safe working area for potential spills. I like its value, function and design overall."


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