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Primus MFS Review

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Kayaker, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Have used this stove for three years. Like it so much That I purchased another a few years after the frist for kayak camping and an additional heating source. I am very happy with the stove it runs according to specs. Heats water accordingly, simmers well, but especially well on the canister. Large canisters last about four-five days of average cooking for four. Have used it in cold weather; wet; on white gas, canister, and kerosene. No problems. A great stove. Would definitely buy another."


nico, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
Used the stove for a 14 month trip over south america.
I burned all sort of stuff in it.
It work well at high altitude (above 4000) but only with white gas, or unleaded petrol.
In Bolivia you can't find white gas but the benzina especial on sale at every pump works really well.
One thing do not bring extra white gas in mineral water type bottle as the seal in the bottle disolve and end up by blocking the stove filter."


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