"I purchased the Black Diamond Icon at a local backpacking store based on a recommendation I read at runnersworld.com. I both run and backpack and wanted a headlamp that would work for both purposes. So far, the Icon has performed well during my early morning runs in the woods, although it took a couple runs to get used to the weight of the battery pack on my head. Both the close up and distance lights work well. The leds are very bright, even during the day, and the best part is that the batteries last for a long time. Also, the straps keep the headlamp secured to my head even during fast runs.
The only issue I've had with the headlamp is that the batteries in the battery pack sometimes pop out of place, which causes the headlamp to go out and me to stop and readjust the batteries. Overall though, I'm happy with the Icon and look forward to many years of use."