"I have 30 yrs of experience with outdoor and serious hiking, camping, climbing in most parts of the world under all kind of circumstances. I use then also several types of stoves depending on the purpose. I used to be using standard camping gaz type stoves which are very reliable and very easy to use except under cold circumstances. The benefit is easy to use and clean very safely to use in a ventilated tent. I use coleman stoves for car camping and they are reliable and normally I run them on premium gasoline without troubles . They are good to control and might no be easy to repair unless you are at home. However to be honest the system is very reliable. I also have a Japanese mini gas stove which is very light and can work with standard Japanese gas catridges can be purchased almost everywhere but again for very cold weather it does not work well. I recently bought a MSR Whisperlite because I like to use kerosine during my winter trips because very safe (less volatile then white gass )and widely available. T6 be very honest the usage on kerosine is not easy . I had to prime a lot of fuel and due to low temperatures -4F it took a very long time before I got a stable blue flame. Heat output was sufficient even at high altitude 10,000 ft and low temperature. After running it is safe to put in a ventilated area but impossible during priming. Further I analysed the design and plastic parts like the pump are easily to be exposed to heat which is a danger particularly for novice users. I will try to use it soon with gasoline and then review again. I have a feeling that this stove is quite good to use for gasoline but certainly not easy to use with kerosine.
Look forward from advice from Kerosine users.
My rating is based on Kerosine usage