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Marmot Sawtooth Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Marmot Sawtooth.


Peter H, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"A solid, affordable 20 degree mummy. Have used it for four years in a wide range of conditions. Have used it down into the 20s and been comfortable. Well made. Stuffs small. Not in the same class as the best 775 fill bags but great for what it is."


Ted, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"On a summer trip in the high Sierras (9000'+), we had a couple of nights below freezing, and this bag performed very well. I got the long because it was on sale, and it's just a little too big. I'm thinking of trading it in for a smaller and lighter bag, but I have no real complaints. At 49oz it's not too heavy, but it is certainly facing competition from much lighter bags. It also mates well with my other Marmot bag."


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