What is the Trip Planning web page supposed to do?
The Trip Planning web page is an easy way for people from different
locations to communicate while planning their trip. It provides
a central place to post information about the trip and a private
message board for planning discussions.
What can I do with the Trip Planning web page?
After the Trip Organizer posts the dates, location, and description
of the trip, a private message board is created for the trip. All
planning discussions can be made using the familiar Trail Talk discussion
format. If the Trip Organizer marks the trip as a public trip, other
visitors to the website can join the trip. Trips can also be marked
as private, which requires a password to view the information and
discussions about the trip.
What special features does a Trip Organizer get?
As a Trip Organizer, you get additional features on the Trip Planning
web page. First, you are able to edit all the information about
the trip at anytime. So if the location or dates of the trip change,
you will be able to reflect those changes on the web page. As the
Trip Organizer, you will have the ability to send an email to all
the members of the trip through the web page. You will also have
the ability to invite other members to join your trip. If for some
reason you need to transfer the Trip Organizer responsibilities
to another person, you will be able to do so.
What is a Private Trip?
A private trip has all the features of a normal trip, except a password
is required to view the information about the trip. This password
is also required to join the trip. So if you just need to plan a
small outing with your friends and don't want others to be able
to join your trip, the Private Trip is for you.
When I post a thread to the message board, there is an option
for "Also Show Thread In Trail Talk." What is this?
By default, all threads posted to the trip planning message board
only show up in the message board for the particular trip. If you
want your thread to also show up in the general Trail Talk message
board, mark this option as "Yes". An example of when you
might want to use this is when post a thread inviting others to
join your trip, or you are posting a trip report for everyone to
If I post a trip on the Trip Planning web page, does this mean budget-travels-tips.com is sponsoring my trip?
No. This web page is meant only as a tool for planning a trip. For more information, please read the Terms of Agreement.
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