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National Park

Valley Forge National Historical Park

    Few places evoke the spirit of patriotism and independence, represent individual and collective sacrifice, or demonstrate the resolve, tenacity and determination of the people of the United States to be free, as does Valley Forge. Here, despite setbacks and hardships, the Continental Army under General George Washington's leadership built upon its growing military competence. Through intensive training, the army honed its skills and became a professional force that marched on to victory over the British and secured America's independence in 1783. In the late nineteenth century, the narrative of Valley Forge inspired private citizens to begin the effort to preserve the site of General Washington's soldiers' camp as a memorial. Formal recognition for the troops who wintered at Valley Forge came when the Pennsylvania legislature designated the area as a state park in 1893. Valley Forge officially became part of the national park system in 1977. Today, the mission of the National Park Service at Valley Forge is to preserve, protect and maintain the natural and cultural resources that are associated with and commemorate the encampment of the Continental Army in 1777/1778 and educate the American people about one of the most defining events in the nation's history.

July 4, 1976 - National Historical Park





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