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National Park

Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor

    Settlement patterns, from Native Americans to today's immigrants, continue to change the patterns in the tapestry known as the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. It began because of the magnificent scenery and the discovery of the widest range of natural resources found anywhere in the world. Unmatched extraction of natural resources changed the landscape but nature prevailed in many places, erasing any sign of industry and in some cases even of the communities that once existed. Unsurpassed recreational opportunities lead one through bucolic countrysides, rugged mountains and lush valleys as well as through teeming communities filled with over 50 types of ethnic flavor. Visit sites offering a look into these stories, recreation of every kind, breathtaking scenery and a trail system that links many of the attractions together. Enjoy ethnic and musical celebrations, walking tours through communities with rich and colorful histories, and museums describing the industries, people and wildlife that share this special place.

November 18, 1988 - National Heritage Corridor





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