Nez Perce National Historical Park
Elevations in the Park range from 700 feet above sea level to over 8,000, providing a wide range of climatic conditions, that follow the four seasons.
 Hiking & Angling in McCall, Idaho : A Guide to 32 Trails, 20 Lakes & Eight Rivers & Streams by Phillips, Roger (
- Wilderness trails Northwest; a hiker's and climber's overview-guide to national parks and wilderness by Spring, Ira (
- The Trail Book : Sun Valley and the Surrounding Area by David Stilwill, Clarence Stilwill, Michael Cord, m (
- The Trail Book : Boise and the Surrounding Area by Stilwill, David (
- Hiking Trails of Southern Idaho by Bluestein, S. R. (
- Charlie's Trail by Shirley, Gayle (eBook)
- Falcon Guide Hiking Idaho (Hiking) by Maughan, Ralph (
- Southern Montana and Idaho 1999 Supplement by Continental Divide Trail Society (eBook)
- Trails of the Sawtooth and White Cloud Mountains by Fuller, Margaret (
- Back Country Byways by Green, Stewart (eBook)