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Exstream Orinoco Review

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Water Filters
Mackenzie (2)
Orinoco (2)
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Pete, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I bought this as a backup for a trip to Morocco. Didn't end up needing it then, but took it to Yosemite for a 4 day trip. It gave up the ghost on the 2nd day - the filter element was severely clogged, with no way to unclog it. We ended up mooching filter time from some guys with a Pur Hiker. We're taking a Pur to the BWCA next week. This product was pathetic - and wasn't much cheaper than a pump filter. Definitely a waste of money."


Brianne, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Sorry Pete, I loved mine. I took it with me to South America for three months and was spared all the expense of buying the endless bottles of water everyone else had to. And I took it on a four-day hike up to the ruins of Macchu Pichu in Peru and enjoyed the stream water all the way up; never once fell sick. It's probably not a good idea to fill it with muddy, sandy water-- even the instructions say it can beat up your filter quickly."


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