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Columbia Vertex Interchange Jacket with Omni-Shield Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Columbia Vertex Interchange Jacket with Omni-Shield.


Eastern Eurotrip, 11/25/07 User Rating: 
"I expected this jacket to be weterproof but it's absolutely not. Otherwise it is a good windbreaker and keeps me fresh when the temperature falls below freezing, but definitely not toasty.
This is not a performace jacket, but wears well and looks natural in city environment. It is able to withstand light drizzle but definitely not high downpours. "


T Mac, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Obviously Columbia isn't an "expedition" level type of gear. However growing up in Rochester, NY I had an old Columbia Bugaboo jacket that kept me warm for years in the snow. So when it finally fell apart (nearly 10 years old) I thought another Columbia would be a good decision.

The Vertex jacket looks and fits really well. I also appreciate the armpit vents to help keep sweat down to a minimum. However on three different trips in Colorado (summit of Castle Peak, Grizzly Peak and Four Pass Loop around the Bells) in rain ranging from steady drizzle to short downpours I found my shirts pretty well soaked within the jacket. Also after one year of use the zipper on the shell is beginning to zip less smoothly.

To be fair the shell and liner combine to a very warm jacket even in the cold and long Canadian winter.

Bottom line you can probably find something better for the money ($150 US)."


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