As a free service to our viewers, is providing a free picture album hosting service. Upload your photos from your latest hiking or backpacking trip or other outdoor adventure and share your pictures online. Browse everyone else's photo albums for images of mountains, hiking trails, camping photos, and your backpacker friends.
Highlight Albums
 Sharon by Hot Feet Number Pictures: 2 |  The Brothers Olympic National Forest, by ICLIMB Number Pictures: 2 |
Create a Photo Album
Postings pictures is easy. If you do not already have an account, you will need to create a new account. After you have created an account, just go to the create an album page.
Browse the Photo Albums
If you are wanting to browse through the albums hosted by, the following pages may help.
Get lost in your daydreams
We know what it feels like to be confined indoors, dreaming of being on a hike. We may not be able to get you out of your day job, but we sure can provide you with ample day dream material. Try some of these places for your next "daydream" hike.